مساحة إعلانية

يتم التشغيل بواسطة Blogger.

الخميس، 15 أغسطس 2013

$100 + In Prizes on Our Friendly Blog Hop!

Background and letters by GFTP

If you read teacher blogs - particularly from bloggers that are teacher-authors for sites such as TeacherspayTeachers, you will hear them talk about their 'journey' from time to time. Self-publishing teaching resources and documents is seriously a fantastic way to develop and enhance so many skills. Not only do you find your 'teaching' improve but also your technology, 'design' (or at least thinking about how to 'present' things to an audience), communication, time management, collaboration.. the list goes on.

As well as all these perks, one of the best things that has happened to me, on this 'journey' is that I have found kindred spirits. All. Over. The. World! People that are a LOT like me! After many years in the very private and isolating world of your own classroom (in terms of adult collaboration) - it is so refreshing to be able to easily chat about things with online friends. Share ideas, support one another and vent about the little 'niggles' of the job that would normally get us down.

As well as friends from other countries, I have developed strong bonds with some girls right here in Australia during the last year or so. People I chat with nearly every day, from each corner of our country (almost). One I have even met and the others I hope to meet very soon! We have been wanting to do another blog hop for about 6 months but in true Aussie style, it took us a while to get organised!

So when we finally got our act together, and we decided to help our US friends celebrate Back-to-School - the theme BTS with Friends seemed perfect!

What do you need to do? 
Visit all the blogs on the hop (there are only 7!)

What do you get?
At each stop there will be a Rafflecopter for you to enter for the chance to win a prize from out stores. Here on my blog, I am giving away a $25 open order to any of my stores.

Is that it?
Heck no!

Then what else?
The bonus of visiting each blog is that you will be able to collect a free file!

Once you have collected all the files, you will be able to piece them together and create an awesome BTS Welcome Bulletin Board for you and your kiddies to colour or paint!

You can download file #1 from me by clicking on the picture below!

Click here to find instructions on how to put the bulletin board together!

Anything else?

You are a bit demanding aren't you? Well there is one more thing.

At the final stop of the hop, there will be a special rafflecopter to enter. 2 winners will get either

a $50 Tpt voucher OR
a $50 Amazon voucher  

to help get their school year off to an awesome start!  
So what are you waiting for? 

Enter my Rafflecopter below for a chance to win a $25 open order in any of my stores.

And enjoy BTS with your friends, just like we are :) Hop over to Brooke's blog to find your next file and rafflecopter!

If you get lost, find links to all the stops on the hop, right here!
Frog SpotMrs Poultney's PonderingsCoffee Kids and Compulsive ListsTeaching Maths With MeaningMiss Galvin LearnsClever ClassroomTeachable MomentsImage Map

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