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الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

Fitness Goals for 2014

I am linking up with Blog Lovin this week to get my goals and resolutions for 2014 sorted!

Today, its fitness.. eek!

I have been all over the fitness thing and back again over the last couple of decades. I was running 5 to 10 kilometres every day at my peak, and I am safely guessing that at the moment I am at my worst fitness level ever. Walking has played a huge part in my life since I was in the last few years at High School and used to go daily to manage stress. I continued, well into my 1st pregnancy. Angels speak to people when they go walking!

I had an injury a few years ago, and after seeing MANY different 'experts' and trying heaps of different remedies and exercises to get back on track, I finally got the best advice ever, and that was to STOP. And let my body heal itself. And, for 18 months I did just that - with some 'tummy time' thrown in each day (yes, I would lie down on my tummy with my daughter on the floor for 30 minutes at a time).  It worked, very, very well for the most part. I have not been in as bad daily pain since. But it did derail my daily fitness, and I have never really got back to it regularly.

So my promise to myself this year is that I will put my walking shoes on each and every day and stand on my front porch. I am not sure how far I will get, but its a whole lot more than I have been doing, and I have to say, getting out the door is often the most difficlut part.

I am also going to make sure that if I am sitting at the computer for more than twenty minutes, that I at least stand up, move around and take a break. This is an easy one through the day, as my toddler makes sure I do not do any task for longer than 10 minutes uninterrupted. But.... I have been known to get caught up at the computer for a few hours at night, when the kids are in bed.

So there you have it, my two fitness goals. Highly achievable I am hoping. Like most things in life, I think they will snowball into something more grand.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!

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