مساحة إعلانية

يتم التشغيل بواسطة Blogger.

الأربعاء، 23 أبريل 2014


I am still not quite sure what words to write. 

I have been staring at this big white empty space on and off for 2 days and still I just feel a bit empty.

Those of you that blog, network with 'online friends' on social media may understand.

When you know somebody. But you don't know them. 

When you have become online friends. Over oceans and thousands and thousands of miles.

But you have never got the chance to hug or look at each others face when you chat.

You have a special friendship. A friendship that is on the computer screen. 

I have a wonderful bunch of online friends. We came together through our support of a fellow TpT seller, Teresa, when she was not well - about 18 months ago. So I am told. It feels like 5 years ago. And I am hopeless with dates and numbers. And time. 

I feel like I have known these friends my whole life.  A week 'online' is a year of normal time.

Teresa, our dear and special friend, passed away this week.

We are deeply sad. We are a bit lost. And our group will not be the same.  

2nd Grade Pig Pen

Teresa, I may not have been able to give you a hug or get to know you as well as I would if I lived up the street, but you have been a special part of my life over the last 2 years. I loved your kind, happy spirit and will miss being able to chat with you in our group. 

I didn't get to 'meet' you, or drop by your house for a cup of tea. But I am going to keep, bookmarked on my computer, your last blog post. Looking at the picture you posted of the beautiful little white church, just across from your house - surrounded by snow, will remind me of you. I get such a sense of peace and beauty when I look at it, and I can almost imagine I am with you at your house. 

Rest in peace friend. 

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