تعريف برنامج Cymera
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Cymera Description
Edit pictures of android program, is one of the brilliant and very leading edit images phones Android or so-called smart phones, software programs, and the features that are available to the program that it offers a very service in this area and that is reflected in many of the tools and beautiful additions that are available to program through which the user can use them and work on them in order to decorate the images and adding filters on them, and the features that the program has also the ability to edit images and also enjoys great popularity among smartphone operating system Androad.ohma users in addition to that the program provides you with a wide range of tools photo editing and adding effects and filters them and that they will be found in the program after the start racing to work on it. Program Cymera has downloaded around 100 million times on Google Play store for applications and Different regions of the world, lets you program Cymera take pictures with a camera of your phone and the application of filters directly after taking a picture, where the program contains about 100 filters and effects lighting and tires you can apply directly to Captured camera or images stored pictures on the phone's memory, which has already been picked up your phone or any other phone, and there are many other features, including the ability to make Albums and integrate images to get great cards contain more than images and merge them in a distinctive way. The program also contains a special tool to beautify the pictures and remove scratches and impurities from them at the bottom there are some models of images that have been edited by Balstamal Cymera program you can preview them.
ميزات برنامج Cymera
- ادوات احترافية وجميلة جدا في مجال تعديل الصور بالمفهوم العام له.
- امكانية اضافة تاثيرات جميلة على مختلف انواع الصور مهما كان نوعها او حجمها.
- اضافة فلاتر على صورك الشخصية او صور الاصدقاء بسهولة كبيرة.
- الكتابة على الصور واضافة تعديلات تزيد من جمال الصورة.
- امكانية تحرير الصور مباشرة عن طريق برنامج Cymera والتعديل عليها بعد التقاطها من كامرا الهاتف لديك.
صور من برنامج Cymera
من اجل مشاهدة الصور وعرضها في حجمها الاصلي قم بالضغط عليها فقط.
معلومات عن برنامج Cymera
البرنامج مجاني.
الموقع الرسمي لبرنامج Cymera
توافق البرنامج : Android Phone
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تحميل برنامج تعديل الصور واضافة الفلاتر عليها Cymera مجانا
من هنا Cymera - رابط مباشر
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