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يتم التشغيل بواسطة Blogger.

الخميس، 9 مايو 2013

Bingo Books at Breakfast...Dinner...or Under the Desk at School

My daughter and I are loving our new 'Bingo Books'. I can get dinner cooked. She has something to 'do'!
Just print out the pages.
Collate them and staple them across the top.
Then cut down to make individual books!
Each book will have different pages, so a different winner each time!
I call out random numbers while I am making dinner preparations, and my daughter traces the number if she sees it on her page. If she 'wins' (she has not clued in yet that she always wins!!) she scores a Smartie! She wants to play over and over again!
Hop over to my Graphics Blog to enter a rafflecopter to win my latest set of Scrappy Kids!

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