مساحة إعلانية

يتم التشغيل بواسطة Blogger.

الجمعة، 20 سبتمبر 2013

Five for Friday

It is Friday and I think I might be able to count to five. Just. And that will be all my friends, as I have had a crazy busy week and I am tired! 

School is now out for 2 weeks - so sleep-ins here I come! Most mothers out there will appreciate that, by 'sleep-in' I mean at least 7.30am. Hopefully. 


I was super excited to get some of my game boards printed on A3 (double our standard paper) this week. It is something I have wanted to try for a while. For my Aussie friends - $1.50 at Officeworks. Love!!

2. My sweetheart Sam (18 months old)  did his first painting at Playgroup. He LOVES it! Paint dots were everywhere - floor, table, door, cubby....  So very proud of him and so in-love with him, my heart near bursts every. single. day.

3. After 18 weeks. Yes 18 (I am sure they had to go cut the wood) - the lap table for my let's-drink-tea-and-maybe-do-some-work-or-just-chat area arrived! 

This is a little space in my house between my dining room, lounge room and kitchen. And where I do most of my work. I have my computer set up and I can be 'mum' and work through the day and evening. I 'chevroned' it up a while ago with some comfy chairs. I like to take a break from the screen and draw - drink tea - cuddle cute babies and daydream. Anyhow - the table has arrived and it now feels complete!

4. And it must be working as I sketched this up today to complete a 'Scrappy Scarecrow' set for my graphics store. 

5. For #5 I have provided you a visual of my love-hate relationship with Blogger! This afternoon I thought I would whip up a new header for my graphics blog. I had 30 minutes. I was 'in the zone' with post-table-arriving-excitement still in my system. But my dear friends, Blogger is experiencing some technical 'issues' and my talented friend Christi Fultz assures me that all will be fixed soon. So for now, I am stuck with a boring background and headings above every image gadget on my sidebar. 

I DO NOT LIKE IT when things don't work smoothly! Nor do I understand why blogger picks up 'blog' as a spelling error. So what would I know?!

Thank you so much for stopping by - please head over to Doodle Bugs for more FRIDAY 5 FUN!

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