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الجمعة، 4 أكتوبر 2013

Five For Friday

It's Friday again! I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to tell you 5 random happening from my week!

1. Blog Artwork

I have been helping my sister out by doing some artwork for her blog. She is crazy about Project Life, and I am in awe of the beautiful way she records her family life. Project Life is a lot like scrapbooking but a WHOLE lot more fun and seemingly more organised, with easy slide-in pre-cut pictures and journalling cards. I am very tempted to give it a whirl... I just need an extra day in my week!

Paper and Confetti

2. Holidays!

It is still 'school holidays' here in Australia (term break) and with a very sick 18 months old (chest and ear infections) , we have spent lots of time at home. I have been doing lots of craft and drawing with my daughter, as well as playing outside in our backyard. Here is one of her cute little drawings.

3. Love Pretty Paper!

My sweet mum knows me too well, and gave me a kikki k gift voucher for my birthday. I finally got to go and select a few lovely items. Of course one of them is actually for children - but I have always had more fun looking in the kids section of most shops! Maybe one day I will become a grown-up and spend my birthday money on shoes!

4. Must Finish Jobs

My 2 years maternity leave is coming to an end shortly and I just had to apply for my part-time days for 2014. I have been working as a substitute this year. I cannot believe how fast 2 years has gone. My goal was to have a GREAT big bundle of resources printed, cut and laminated during my mat leave. Well, I am almost there. I have got this last bunch to go, and got motivated to at least sort them into 'bits' (as in, I am not sure where they go), stuff to laminate, resources to file, and a 'checking' pile, cause I have started and stopped so many times I forget if they are complete packets or partially completed. I daydream about having a whole day just to kick this job over. 

5. New Stuff!

I have listed a few new items this week - one of them is a set of doodle borders that I drew when I was on my little vacation last week. I have listed them in my TpT store, and they will be 50% off for the first 48 hours! 

Thanks so much for stopping by, I hope your week has been wonderful too!

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