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يتم التشغيل بواسطة Blogger.

الثلاثاء، 24 ديسمبر 2013


I am linking up with Brandi from A Peach for the Teach to share with you some resolutions that I am going to make for the New Year. I love resolutions as I am the sort of person that cannot sit still. Have you noticed? I love changing, improving and am constantly plagued with new ideas. Relaxing over the holidays will be a struggle.

A Peach for the Teach: Behavior Supports & Multi-Age

Anyhoo... here are some ideas I have for 2014

1. Personal - I need to walk more. From when I was 16 to when I had my babies (yep they do that to you!) I started EVERY day with an hour's walk. I swear by it for fixing just about everything - from your physical to mental health and everything in between! I need to get back into it and move this bloggy butt!

2. Professional - Here in Australia we are about to commence a brand new curriculum and I need to get my head around it quick smart! Thankfully it is not TOO different to how we already teach in my state of NSW. I wonder if I can sprinkle some cupcakes and stick kids somewhere in there somehow... ?!

3. Classroom - I job share with the best my beautiful person in the world. She is simply amazing and probably does not realise how very special she is to everyone that meets her. I feel so blessed just to have met her and call her a true friend, let alone teach WITH her. As wonderful as she is organisation is not her strength. The best part is, she knows it, embraces it and we laugh about it together (yes, amazing person!) This year, I am bringing in the filing cabinet. Oh yeah, we are going to get sorted!

4. Blog/TpT - I like to be busy, we have covered that. I have more that I want to do than I will ever be able to complete. I have felt like this my whole life, and at times I let it consume me. This year I am going to be better at shifting the way I view it, and look at all my ideas as options, not a to-do list. I often get so focused on my goals and churning through tasks that I forget to look around. I said sometimes! I do have days where I cannot focus on my own tasks and meander around the Internet chatting and helping people too. Hopefully this year I can balance it all better. I want to be even better at noticing people around me and being sensitive to what they need and how I can include them in my journey.

5. Fun - Save for Vegas. The TpT conference is coming up. I am not sure I can save enough to get there for 2014, but I want to aim for AT LEAST 2015! I have not had a holiday longer than 2 days in 12 years, and it is LOONG overdue!

Please join in the fun and link up with Brandi!

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