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الجمعة، 28 مارس 2014

5 For Sa-Friday

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs with 5 random things from the week!

1. Lamination 

Really, I could post a picture like this every week. Teacher. Laminator. Word Cards. Wine. 

2. Reading

Another one Mummy? We read books. Lots of them. Well, by 'read' I mean 'ma, ma, boo, ni, ta, car, car, car'. He is just so utterly delicious at the moment and I thank the sweet Lord everyday for letting me be his mother!

3. Spring Laminating.

See #1 for more information! 

We do 'Spring' in Australia in Autumn. Just cause it's Easter. And Easter means Spring. And Australia  is upside down sometimes. 

4.  Thermomix

Thermomix is another name for 'space age contraption that is going to save my sanity at 5pm". Honestly, if you get invited to a demo - GO. For nothing else but the 5 delicious courses of REAL yummy food whipped up in seconds. 

I have fallen in love with food ALL. OVER. AGAIN. 

5. Scrappy

Scrappy drawings are a huge part of my life. I only joked with a friend of mine recently that it is ironic and certainly a true reflection of my life that I spent a few years trying to perfect the art of turning my sketches into 'perfect' digitised art, when all along, it was my original sketches raw and imperfect, that would resonate with so many of you. Thank you for embracing me and encouraging me. Here is a 'scrappy' Easter colouring page for your students to complete. We are in our last 2 weeks of school here in Australia before Term 1 break, so Easter will be on the program now!

Just clink on Little Bun below to grab from Google Drive!

And by 'clink' I mean 'click'. Did I mention it was 5pm ;)

Thanks so much as always, for stopping by! Have a great weekend!

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