مساحة إعلانية

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الاثنين، 8 يوليو 2013

Farewell Premium Club and Thank YOU

This week I sent my final email to the 100 or so people that joined my 'Graphics Premium Club' around this time last year.

At the time, The Premium Club was an idea I had to combine the increasing demand for teacher-friendly clipart that I could see emerging and also my growing love of making graphics. I had just started maternity leave and Premium Club seemed  to become my substitute classroom! I was interested to see how I would fare trying to meet this need without having the stress of a 'store' to run. 

I promised people a graphic to be sent to their email account every business day for a whole year. In a moment of baby-brain madness I thought that perhaps I could manage a whole SET a day, and told my new found friends that I would try my best to do so! 

I didn't get quite the number of members I needed to abandon my other stores (I think I was around 900 short...oops). However, I am lucky my parents raised me to have a little bit of fire in my belly - I was not going to let it stop me delivering to my club members what I had envisaged. 

Well, I made it! It has been the most wonderful year. I am emotional for many reasons... 
1. The year has flown, and that means my baby is now a full 12 months older! 
2. I completed a challenge I set myself - a SET of graphics every email
3. I feel my skills and abilities have improved immensely since I first began
4. I have 'met' some of the nicest people in the WORLD through the club and I think they may be just the start of life-long friendships
5. I got to be a small part of many people adding wealth and value to their own lives, through their product designs

I was not going to make this a blog post at all - not sure why. I was just happy to let the club finish and move on to my next adventure. But a very naughty lovely lady by the name of Tania Poutney put her glass of red wine down wrote a lovely blog post about Premium Club and was not going to let me finish quietly! It made me realise that I indeed owe a monumental thank you to all the wonderful people that joined my club! You trusted me, had faith in me and most of all did nothing but support me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you for your encouraging emails and notes of thanks. I hope I enriched your lives in a small way, you honestly have no idea how much you have helped to enrich mine. This will go down as one of my favourite achievements and I am so glad that I could share some of my love for graphics with you!

The lesson I take from this adventure is that sometimes a path takes you on a completely different journey than what you plan. As corny as it sounds, it is indeed, the journey itself that is important. Money is not a measure of success or wealth. It is truly a blessing to be able to help enrich other people's lives and help them reach some of their goals, however small the part you may play. 

I have had quite a few emails this week asking when the next club is going to start. I am going to give my hand, wrist and arm a little rest for now.... but I will keep you posted! 

And thank you dear Tania, I simply cannot wait to meet you one day soon. If you would like to check out her post, find it HERE

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